A student who can use tutoring help

COVID-19 & Education: The Costs of Lost Schooling

The Wall Street Journal ran an eye-opening article about the potential long-lasting effects of COVID-19 on students and the economy at large. As an educational partner to our nation’s future leaders, innovators, and workers, I find this concerning. I am hopeful, however, that with student support from parents, teachers and tutors, students can still stay on track and even excel during this time.

The article states, “Ms. (Margaret) Raymond (Economist and education researcher at Stanford University) studied 18 states and Washington, D.C. and concluded that, on average, children lost 116 days of reading time during the early stages of the pandemic last year and 215 days of math work—instruction that will be hard to regain and could leave a whole generation of children struggling to keep up in their studies and testing.”

While this sounds like a hopeless, dark prediction, there is hope. Many parents feel stretched trying to continue to perform at work or keep up with their typical schedules while also attempting to motivate and support their students who are not thriving in the circumstances in which we find ourselves. Additionally, sometimes children don’t respond well to a parent trying to teach educational material, or students just may need more structure around their study efforts. If this is the case, don’t hesitate to reach out to a professional. Tutors and educational coaches are skilled at reaching these students and working through challenges that are standing in the way of educational success.

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COVID-19 & Education: The Costs of Lost Schooling

COVID-19 & Education: The Costs of Lost Schooling

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