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E-Learning Tip of the Week

As school districts shift to an e-learning environment, our team at Aim for the Stars Academics will offer some useful tips for parents and students to be successful during this unprecedented transition.

Eliminating screen fatigue as a way to increase focus!

The e-learning framework, by design, has made it a major challenge for kids to focus and comprehend the lessons that their teacher is presenting.  For the majority of kids, continuously looking at a computer screen for 6 hours reaches a level of diminishing returns over time. Kids need time away from the computer screen to practice the math and reading concepts that their teachers are trying to help them learn. We recommend having your child work out practice math problems on a blank sheet of paper and reading tangible, printed books out loud. This technique breaks up the monotony and blank stares caused by a computer light shining in your child’s eyes continually throughout the school day.

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Struggling high school students can catch up

Struggling high school students can catch up

A new study from the University of Chicago’s Education Lab points to intensive, high-dosage tutoring as a potential solution for high school students who have fallen behind.

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COVID-19 & Education: The Costs of Lost Schooling

COVID-19 & Education: The Costs of Lost Schooling

The Wall Street Journal ran an eye-opening article about the potential long-lasting effects of COVID-19 on students and the economy at large. As an educational partner to our nation’s future leaders, innovators, and workers, I find this concerning.

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Achieving Academic Gains in a Virtual Learning Environment

Achieving Academic Gains in a Virtual Learning Environment

Based on the research that is currently being conducted, virtual learning, by design, has endured some shortcomings in learning over the past year.

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