A student who can use tutoring help

Planning for life’s journey of learning ahead of time

I often stress to my college students and working professionals that planning is inversely related to production. I like to reference the immortal words of hockey great, Wayne Gretzky: “Skate to where the puck is going, not where it has been.”

CLICK HERE for a great article that provides scholars four practical tips to follow during a 5-year window to prepare for the financial impact of graduate school.  

Don’t be caught off guard when pursuing your dreams; be ready, as it’s never too early to plan ahead!

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Struggling high school students can catch up

Struggling high school students can catch up

A new study from the University of Chicago’s Education Lab points to intensive, high-dosage tutoring as a potential solution for high school students who have fallen behind.

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COVID-19 & Education: The Costs of Lost Schooling

COVID-19 & Education: The Costs of Lost Schooling

The Wall Street Journal ran an eye-opening article about the potential long-lasting effects of COVID-19 on students and the economy at large. As an educational partner to our nation’s future leaders, innovators, and workers, I find this concerning.

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Achieving Academic Gains in a Virtual Learning Environment

Achieving Academic Gains in a Virtual Learning Environment

Based on the research that is currently being conducted, virtual learning, by design, has endured some shortcomings in learning over the past year.

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