A student who can use tutoring help

Size matters!

Research shows children perform better in classes with fewer students; however, classes sizes are at an all-time high. Unfortunately, not all of our students have the opportunity to work with a teacher who is reaping the benefits of a small class.  

I have found that when you give a child individualized attention, you can find out many things, including uncovering unmet needs. For example, one student that I work with is very well behaved.  She is on task and listens to her teacher.  Her teacher thinks she’s all set.  Contrary to what seems on the surface, she is not!  She is completing tasks and following directions, but not showing evidence that she is understanding the base reading and math concepts.  Providing an opportunity to work one on one with a student enables a tutor or educational partner to shine light on what the student really knows and where their understanding is falling short. Once identified, these concepts can be reinforced and clarified with individualized attention.

Personalized, one-on-one instruction and support are necessary to optimize every student’s potential.

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